Fietsklik is on Kickstarter

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Fietsklik Biweekly

Another (2) weeks gone, another Fietsklik Biweekly.

It's been a hugely busy couple of weeks at Fietsklik. We were at the Amsterdam bike show, FietsVak, launched our Kickstarter and have had a huge amount of industry press!


We had a blast at the Amsterdam Bike Show, FietsVak. We were happy to see so many of you and new faces come by our stand. We had a great time showing off our upcoming products and hope to see you there again next year!


As you probably know, our Kickstarter has been up and running for a few weeks now and we are already reached 95% of our funding goal of $40,000 with over 220 backers. The outreach and support from you all so far has been just outstanding and we are happy to see our momentum is only growing.

We are going to reach that $40,000 goal this week and blow past it! All thanks to your loyal support of

We can't be more thankful for all of your help in this


Thanks to our Kickstarter we have had a huge amount of international press these past two weeks. Some of the highlights of our online attention include articles in the largest of bike related publications. was kind enough to ask people to help us finish our Child Seat by pledging

Bicycle Times Magazine joined us in Amsterdam for FietsVak and wrote a great article on us used Fietsklik for their St Patty's Day tweet! predictably liked everything about us started testing our Crate and Bags. We'll keep you posted on the full review! showed you don't have to be Dutch to love our Dutch design

And so many more spreading the word on social media.

Upcoming Events

Kickstarter Open House - Brooklyn NY on March 20th to meet with Kickstarter itself!

Red Hook Crit - Brooklyn again! on March 29th for unsanctioned racing

Earth Day DC - It's way out there but it's a huge event! We are going to be in Washington D.C. for Earth Day on April 22nd. Join us around the world for it!

For all of you in Europe: We're hitting up Velo Berlin from the 29th of March until the 30th. We won't have a stand but Julius will definitely be walking around spreading the love.

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